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Exposure suit SUNIT IV A

Exposure suit SUNIT IV A -
Kód zboží:130 010 560
Dodací doba:24 dnů
Záruční doba:24 měsíců
Cena bez DPH:10 405 Kč
Cena s 21% DPH:12 590 Kč
Uvedená cena je platná pro vybranou variantu níže.

odeslat dotaz na produkt

- exposure suit SUNIT IV A is designed for accident cleanup with classification of resistance against chemicals
  ČSN 465 (type 4)
- two-pieces suit with hood and integrated gloves and high boots (the gloves can be exchanged by using a
  rubber ring)
- material: cotton fabric rubberized by India-rubber mixture
- resistant against acids and lixivia
- for the size please aks for the size table!

Sunit V

sunit v akci
havarijní oblek
oblek pro hasiče a záchranáře

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