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Our company focuses on retailing and servicing firefighter and safeguard equipment.

We are specialized in elements of building fire security, it's application and service.

We perform engineering activities in the field of fire security and occupation hygiene including revising and servicing activities.

Since our establishement we have always been based on high professional level and qualification of our employees who solve your problems with securing fire security and occupation hygiene.

We are solid and renown company whose distinction lies in deliveries of reliable goods and providing high-quality professional services.

We serve those who protect the lives, health and property of others.
Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

Prodejny a výdejní místa

V našich prodejnách si můžete Vaši objednávku nejen vyzvednout, ale nakoupit i jiné zboží.

V naší nabídce je celkem

1 944
položek zboží

Vaše odměny za body

uplatněte své body na www.rajhasicu.cz.


Každý den dražíme nové věci za super ceny v naší aukci.

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