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Name of company:

Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

registered by      County court in Brno, section C, enclosure 49762
seat of company      Královský vršek 3545/42, 586 01, Jihlava, Czech Republic
legal form      Limited company
ID      CZ 27660940

Basic business activity:

  • specialised retail
  • wholesale trade
  • intermediary in trade and services
  • engineering and organisational activities in the field of fire protection
  • providing services in the field of fire protection and occupational hygiene 
  • revisions and examination of pressure installations and periodical examination of gas tanks 

Focus of company:

We serve those who protect the lives, health and property of others.
Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

Prodejny a výdejní místa

V našich prodejnách si můžete Vaši objednávku nejen vyzvednout, ale nakoupit i jiné zboží.

V naší nabídce je celkem

1 944
položek zboží

Vaše odměny za body

uplatněte své body na www.rajhasicu.cz.


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