annual turnover for goods more than 1.500.000 EUR
annual turover for services more than 320.000 EUR
- ŠKODA AUTO, a.s. Mladá Boleslav, Vrchlabí, Kvasiny
- Telefonica O2, a.s. (SETHERM CB, a.s.), Čepro, a.s.
- Czech Republic – Bureau of Supreme Audit, Czech Post state company
- County office, City office and objects of City office in Jihlava, Polná, Třešť a Telč
- Fire brigades, Fire departments and associations of volunteer firemen in the whole area of Czech Republic
- Land Register Office, Czech Social Security Administration, Office of the Government Representation in Property Affairs
- Housing associations and Housing autonomies in Jihlava county (several hunderts of flats)
- COOP JEDNOTA SD stores in counties od Jihlava and Havlíčkův Brod (131 stores in total)
- KRONODOR, KRONOSPAN, KRONOMECH - Jihlavské dřevařské závody a.s.
- PSJ holding, a.s. and it’s branches in the Czech Republic
- BOSCH DIESEL s.r.o., Moravské kovárny a.s., Jihlavan a.s., SAPELI spol s r.o.
- Balírny TCHIBO a.s., Modeta style s.r.o., TRW Dačice
- Pleas a.s. Havlíčkův Brod, Military facilities in Jihlava and Havlíčkův Brod
- KB, a.s. (125 branches), GE Capital Bank, a.s., VOLKSBANK
- 21 elementary schools, 17 preschools, training colleges, highschools, colleges and private grammar schools in Vysočina county
- 24 farmers’ cooperations and agricultural organisations in Vysočina county
- 98 municipal offices and its objects in Vysočina county
- Hospital in Nové Město na Moravě
In all these facilities we provide services every year according to the contracts. In these facilities we provide services of:
- revisions and repairs of fire extinguishers, revisions and repairs of fire water-supplies
- revisions and repairs of fire valves and stop planks
- training and elaboration of documentation of Fire protection and Occupational hygiene
- permanent assistant supervision of Fire protection
- selling of fire protection devices, means of fire protection of buildings and protective gear
All of these services are conducted according to contemporary law, by workers allowed to conduct these services, in sequence of legal framework in the field of fire protection and occupational hygiene.
This extract of references is just a shortlist of a real,several pages long list!