
Sloužíme těm, kteří chrání životy, zdraví a majetek druhých.
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For organisations, companies and businessmen:

  • complex services in the field of fire protection (FP) and occupational hygiene (OH) 
  • function of person professionally competent in FP, fire technician, FP preventist
  • FP documentation processing
  • repelling of fire documentation processing, processing of fire security solutions to the building projects
  • processing of examination of fire danger of objects and technologies
  • execution of person professionally responsible for risk prevention (OH technician)
  • OH documentation processing
  • training of employees and managers in FP and OH
  • expert training of employees assigned to the fire-watch, expert training of FP preventists
  • consultation and counselling in the field of FP and OH
  • projects of security signing including and installation of safety plates (escape routes, forbiddances, instructions etc.)
  • effective and economical removing of defects found by state controll authorities
  • outsourcing of FP and OH
  • economical projects with effective choice of technical solutions of FP
  • processing of documentation and revision reports needed to final building approvals from the point of view of FP and OH

Contact persons:

Ing. Roman Muška - professionally competent person in the field of FP
cellphone: +420 702 152 940
E-mail: muska@vyzbrojna.cz

We serve those who protect the lives, health and property of others.
Požární bezpečnost s.r.o.

Prodejny a výdejní místa

V našich prodejnách si můžete Vaši objednávku nejen vyzvednout, ale nakoupit i jiné zboží.

V naší nabídce je celkem

1 944
položek zboží

Vaše odměny za body

uplatněte své body na www.rajhasicu.cz.


Každý den dražíme nové věci za super ceny v naší aukci.

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