For organisations, companies and businessmen:
- complex services in the field of fire protection (FP) and occupational hygiene (OH)
- function of person professionally competent in FP, fire technician, FP preventist
FP documentation processing
repelling of fire documentation processing, processing of fire security solutions to the building projects
processing of examination of fire danger of objects and technologies
execution of person professionally responsible for risk prevention (OH technician)
OH documentation processing
training of employees and managers in FP and OH
expert training of employees assigned to the fire-watch, expert training of FP preventists
consultation and counselling in the field of FP and OH
projects of security signing including and installation of safety plates (escape routes, forbiddances, instructions etc.)
effective and economical removing of defects found by state controll authorities
outsourcing of FP and OH
economical projects with effective choice of technical solutions of FP
processing of documentation and revision reports needed to final building approvals from the point of view of FP and OH
Contact persons:
Ing. Roman Muška - professionally competent person in the field of FP
cellphone: +420 702 152 940